Meetup CIO 25
Venue : Quality Hotel Brno
Date: 21 May 2025, 9-15
Parking: free of charge for invited CIOs and IT managers
Program CIO 25 – under preparation
more information will be published soon
Program of CIO 24, 22 May 2024
- Rostislav Geržičák, IT director, Velux commercial, “Digital boards”.
- Igor Dobřický, CIO, ELKOV, “People potential”
- František Zuzák, Innogy IT, “AI strategy”
- Miroslav Vacula, CIO Jihomoravský kraj, “NIS2 implications”
- Marek Čaloun, Head of IT region Eastern Europe at Webasto Group
- Jan Regner, Chief innovation and technology officer, ENETIQA, “IT role transformation”
- Vlaďka Snášel Lukašíková, CEPA a Jan Matula, Aricoma “Adopt and Adapt”
- Lunch
- Panel – Knowledge Management, People Analytics
- David Billouz, OCIRIS, “Value streams”
- Zdeněk Kvapil, Q4IT, “S-curve of innovation, good enough is good enough”
- Invitation co CIO 25, 21 May 2025
Photo gallery CIO 24